mahkeme huzuruna çıkmak

  1. Fiil, Hukuk appear before court
  2. Fiil to appear in court
  3. Fiil to appear before court
  4. Fiil to make one's appearance
  5. Fiil to come before the court
  6. Fiil to enter an appearance
  7. Fiil to appear in (before a) court
  8. Fiil, Hukuk to appear
  9. Fiil, Hukuk to appear before a court
to be up before the magistrate Fiil
to appear on behalf of someone Fiil, Hukuk
to appear for someone Fiil, Hukuk
to appear for the defense (defence , defendant) Fiil
to appear for the plaintiff Fiil
to appear as plaintiff Fiil
to appear for the accused Fiil
to summon someone to appear Fiil
to attend personally in court Fiil